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Understanding, problems and ways to prevent corona virus

Understanding Coronavirus 
Corona virus or Covid - 19 is a large virus that causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. Many people suspend this virus, at least once at a time. That was the understanding of the corona virus.

SARS, which appeared in November 2002 in China, spread to several other countries. Starting from Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, England, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, to the United States. The SARS epidemic which ended until mid-2003 affected 8098 people in various countries. Nearly 774 people lost the respiratory tract infection. 

Risk Factors for Coronavirus
Infection Anyone who can use corona virus. However, infants and young children, as well as people with weak immunity are more vulnerable to this virus attack. In addition, season conditions may also depend. For example, in the United States, viral infections are more common in the fall and winter. In addition, someone who lives or visits an area or country that is prone to corona virus, is also at risk of developing this disease. For example, visiting China, specifically the city of Wuhan, which was once a COVID-19 outbreak that began in December 2019.

Corona virus spread
  • Sprinkling saliva (swollen and sneezing). 
  • Touch the hand or face of an infected person. 
  • Touching the eyes, nose, or mouth after handling an item that is affected by saliva sprinkling with corona virus. 
  • Feces or stool (rare).
  • Even in the wind.
Symptoms of Coronavirus Infection
Corona virus can cause a variety of symptoms in the sufferer. These symptoms depend on the type of corona virus that attacks, and how serious the infection is. Here are some of the mild symptoms of the corona virus:
  • Runny nose. 
  • Headache. 
  • Cough. 
  • Sore throat. 
  • Fever. 
  • Feel unwell.
The above symptoms are just mild symptoms, corona virus can cause more dangerous symptoms. The infection can turn into bronchitis and pneumonia (caused by COVID-19), which results in symptoms such as: 
  • Fever that may be quite high if the patient has pneumonia. 
  • Cough with mucus. 
  • Hard to breathe. 
  • Chest pain or tightness when breathing and coughing.
Prevention of Coronavirus Infection 
Until now there is no vaccine to prevent corona virus infection. However, at least there are several ways you can do to reduce the risk of contracting this virus. The following efforts can be made:
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds until clean. 
  • Avoid touching the face, nose, or mouth when hands are dirty or not washed. 
  • Avoid direct or close contact with sick people. 
  • Avoid touching wild animals or birds. 
  • Clean and sterilize the surface of objects that are often used. 
  • Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or cough with a tissue. 
  • Then, throw the tissue and wash your hands thoroughly. Don't leave the house sick. 
  • Wear a mask and seek treatment at a health facility immediately when you experience symptoms of airway disease.

Final the word
who? and wherever you come from, keep your health and avoid activities that are less useful, hopefully all of you are always given health. 
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