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Already an expert at Mobile Legends but keep losing? This is the modern solution

Mobile Legends? you must be familiar with the name! Mobile Legends is an MMORPG game that offers 5 vs 5 battles. I personally think this game has good gameplay and is not complicated, but as smart as you play Mobile Legends, surely you have experienced defeat. Sometimes we already feel good at using heroes to level up and others but just lose it. 

Take it easy this time I will provide a solution for those of you who feel that you are experts in playing Mobile Legends but still lose! Even lose streak! 

Play with friends 
This might sound the simplest and most basic thing in playing a mob game, which is playing with friends. Of course, playing with your friends will be easier to communicate with each other, you have to talk about the slightest thing! Suppose your skills are cooldown or other trivial matters because that will be very important. And of course you have to play with friends who can be trusted, it's useless you're good at it but your friends don't waste it? 

Play at the right time
It's useless to play with friends if you don't play on time! The best time to play Mobile Legends is free time where you don't have a job to get rid of afk. Not only that you also have to avoid playing too late because drowsiness will disturb your concentration, and also at night you might get a heavier enemy! 

Don't be greedy to take buffs / forest monsters 
Leveling up is one of the important things in the Mobile Legends game, but you also have to pay attention to your friends' levels too! It's useless if your level is higher than the enemy but your friends are still low. You also have to determine what hero should be prioritized.

The following is the order of role heroes that must be prioritized to level up: 
  • Assassin.
  • Mage.
  • Marksmen. 
  • Fighter 
  • Support. 
  • Tank.
Play objectively
The purpose of objective here is that you must focus on the main goal in Mobile Legends, that is, you must take the opportunity if it exists. For example, destroying a turret, killing a turtle, killing a lord or ending this game, but you don't do it rashly because if it is done at the wrong time, your team will lose. 
Do this in the conditions below:
  • Destroying the turret: when the turret is not guarded by the enemy or when the enemy is at war. 
  • Kill the turtle: Do two enemy heroes die or when 3 enemy heroes are in the opposing lane. 
  • Kill Lord: Do it when 2-3 enemy heroes die or do it when the enemy main hero dies! 
  • Finish the match: Do it when all the turrets are destroyed and their base is not guarded.
The tips above should not be used as a benchmark! You will find out for yourself the right time to take action.

Aim for the hero with the highest demage 
Maybe you really like to play Mobile Legens by killing enemy heroes at will, but it's not the wrong thing if you want to win the game. 
Here is a list of heroes that you must first aim for: 
  • Marksmen.
  • Mage. 
  • Assassin.
  • Fighter.
  • Support. 
  • Tank. 

Once again do not make the list above as a benchmark! Alangkqh, it's better if you target the most troublesome enemies first.

The final word 
Losing and winning normally in a game but if you like losing and winning is not a problem right?

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